Q. What will Craftpower provide?
- All the necessary woodwork workbenches, tools, wood and associated materials
- A selection of 10 to 20 different projects to suit all age ranges and levels of experience
-- Set up time: 40-50 minutes, so we need to arrive at your school earlier

Q. What you need to provide?
-- Free parking with easy & close access for the van to unload the equipment.
-- Room: an empty room (on the ground floor only) for up to 26 children.
- All furniture needs to be cleared prior the workshop.
- 5-6 classroom/trestle tables for displays.
- Adequate teacher/adult supervision.
We trust that as the teacher you are aware of your children’s limitations
and will organize additional aid where necessary.

Q. What is the minimum number of sessions that can be booked?
A. Minimum bookings - 3 X 1 hour 15 minutes or 2 X 1.5-2.5 hours classes per day essential due to transport, set up and pack up.

Q. How much does it cost per session?
A. Refer flier, available to download. Then use the Cost Calculator to find the most suitable program for your budget:
Download our latest brochures

Q. Is there a cost for travel ?
A. Travel cost-free (Metropolitan Melbourne and school hours 8.30 am - 3.30 pm only).
Call to get the price for outside Metropolitan Melbourne .

Q. Can we claim GST back?
A. Yes. All prices are inclusive of GST (10%) but your accountant can claim it back from the ATO because children do not pay GST

Q. What is the best location for the workshops to be held?
A. The best location is ground floor area with easy vehicle access.
The room should be spacious enough to accommodate all children and equipment.
Especially on hot days air conditioning is recommended.

Q. Can we run the workshops in a room with carpet?
A. Yes, we will vacuum the area after sessions.

Q. Can we choose any program from the brochure?
A. Yes. Please choose age appropriate activities which are detailed in the flier.

Q. How many children should there be in each group?
A. To ensure that quality results are achieved, we recommend for Prep-Gr.2, a maximum of 13-22 children per class
For all other year levels, we recommend a maximum of up to 26 children per class.

Q. How many different models will there be?
A. Children have a selection of 8 to 15 designs for each unit.
All projects will develop basic hands on skills through the use of tools such as junior coping saws, hammers, pliers, sandpaper, goggles, etc

Q. Can we make models from different themes during the same session?
A. No. Different models require different stencils and instruments. It is too difficult to make different models in one session, especially with younger children.

Q. Can the children develop their own design to cut out?
A. No. It is highly recommended that children use a wide variety of provided stencils to complete their projects in the session time.
For children to design their own, longer sessions will need to be arranged which increases costs.

Q. Will the children be able to take the finished models home?
A. Yes, children take their models home on the same day.

Q. When will the children paint their models?
A. There is not enough time in the session for children to paint, this will be done in the classroom or at home.

Q. Can we run a workshop that requires saws with Prep or Kindergarten students?
A. If you would like Preps to use saws, a ratio of 1 parent / helper to every 4 children is preferred.

Q. Are the workshops safe for children ?
A. Yes. All teachers can download Safety Rules & Hints after making a booking. These should be read and discussed by teachers with their children prior the sessions.
The instructor also explains safety rules prior to session again.
All children wear safety goggles for eye protection.
Junior tools are used which are age appropriate.
Workshops are totally safe if all tools are used in the manner they are supposed to.
The highest level of discipline and control is required.
As this is hands-on activity, we expect your assistance at all times.
If the workshop is to be run successfully then the discipline must not be left solely to the instructor.
If the instructor is left to both conduct the class and keep an eye on students (especially with respect to discipline) then the instructor cannot use his or her time at all effectively.
We must stress that additional/staff/parents are organized to help supervise children with challenging behavior and special needs.
If they are going to take part in our workshop, please make sure the aide remains with the student throughout the workshop.
Please make every effort to ensure a successful workshop with a high standard of supervision.